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A priority of mine is to experiment in many mediums. To construct fresh work, a designer has to be able to constantly look through new lenses. My collages are a mixture of found and my images.

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I like taking photos of quiet moments. Everyday colors have a new context when set next to others. Together, stories develop.

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Scientific Illustrations

Coptocycla ruficornis - detail
I’ve always been interested in scientific illustrations. Placing something natural in a utilitarian layout is a contrast I strive for in my design work. Watercolor lets me layer tones in a manner that’s more true to the insects’ colors. It’s also a way to step away from digital work + recalibrate my perspective.

Graphocephalia distanti - detail

Eupatorus gracilicornis - detail

Odontoptere carrenoi - detail

Omaspides erichsoni - detail

Eudryas grata - detail
©2025 - Michelle Turcios